I am a gamer. And in my game life we use the term “sweaty” for the serious players.
As a geek, this is my sport. I play on a team with 11 other people. And we are very serious. We are among the top one to two hundred players in the entire, very popular, game played by tens of thousands.
So now here’s a question for you … what are you sweaty about?
You’ve heard the adage “don’t play small” — I have a lifetime of taking that adage to heart. I am sweaty about my business, sweaty about seeing people create the change they crave in their lives, sweaty about my art, and sweaty about this ranch I live on. I don’t play small at all.
And that takes its toll.
I get tired — oh so tired. The sweat gets in my eyes and I can’t see. I lose track of where I’m going. I try to trust I’m on the right track, running the right race, and headed, head down, toward my vision. But I begin to get dehydrated and don’t know if I’m hallucinating.
In my own life, this is when I take a much needed breather with my Gestalt practice. I step out of the race to make money. I put down the xbox controller. I set down the ipad, the camera, and the pen. I sit with the horses and let them work on me. They balance me — head to toe and that balance allows me to get back in touch with my vision, my purpose, and my passions. I down their metaphorical Gatorade with gusto, get to my feet, and go at it again.
So, friend, if you’re in need of a few deep breaths, some balance, and some equine inspired spiritual Gatorade, you know where to find us.
Schedule your exploratory session for free at: http://go.oncehub.com/thebeerranch The call is free and no obligation. Not ready to make that call yet? Join our VIP list: https://bit.ly/beerranchvip