Is acceptance in your toolbox?

Is acceptance in your toolbox?

Creativity is my way of life. I look to it for everything. It is my support system, my problem solver, my soul’s exhale, and my peace.

But there are times, creativity feels so far away. Like a dream on a sleepless night. I search dauntingly, listen carefully for its sweet sound to call to me, and somehow still never find it.

Like a test, these times never last long. They fade away quickly — in the scheme of things — and become forgotten. What makes them fade faster is acceptance. It is sitting in the allowing of the situation, pain, or experience that has removed me from creativity. It is important I remember — even in the midst of the separation — that I am not far from my happy space. I know the path back, the secret is allowing it to appear rather than hunting it down.

If you seem to be missing acceptance — or it’s sweet sister allowance — in your toolbox, the horses can help you remember where you hid them from yourself. Join me in the round pen and let’s explore.

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