The metaphor for you life.

The metaphor for you life.

No. No. No. The cold seeps in through all the cracks, freezing my capacity to think, to move, to act. A blanket would help I think, block out what the supersaturation of the chill. But then am I just covering up the inevitable? The cold is diligent in finding a way to...
Is acceptance in your toolbox?

Is acceptance in your toolbox?

Is acceptance in your toolbox? Creativity is my way of life. I look to it for everything. It is my support system, my problem solver, my soul’s exhale, and my peace. But there are times, creativity feels so far away. Like a dream on a sleepless night. I search...
Do you need a shot of spiritual Gatorade?

Do you need a shot of spiritual Gatorade?

I am a gamer. And in my game life we use the term “sweaty” for the serious players. As a geek, this is my sport. I play on a team with 11 other people. And we are very serious. We are among the top one to two hundred players in the entire, very popular, game played by...
How do you interact with challenge?

How do you interact with challenge?

I don’t sew and the reason I tell myself I don’t sew is because I can never get my finished project to look like it does in my head. The edges of the material never seem to come together the way I promised myself they would and that leaves me frustrated. This means I...
Do you have a happiness compass?

Do you have a happiness compass?

As a culture, we are focused on finding happiness. So many of us, however, have never thought deeply about what happiness might actually look like when it shows up at our door. Stop and think about the word “blissful.” Blissful is the term for “perfect happiness.”...
Do you want to make a BIG play?

Do you want to make a BIG play?

At first it may be a little niggling. A something inside you that begins to shift and move because you see a possibility. And then it grows and you find yourself at the precipice of something much bigger than you anticipated. Hesitation … is this the right play or the...